Covid-19 Safety Protocols

The Hearthstone is following the mandates and recommendations of county, state and federal officials. Caring for our residents’ and employees’ health and safety is our highest priority. Safety measures include:

  • Twice weekly COVID-19 testing for all.
  • The Hearthstone is allowing limited indoor visitations per new guidance from the CDC, CMS and Washington department of health. All residents and visitors must follow infection control measures.
  • Encouraging all residents to self-isolate if they have reason to believe they have been exposed.
  • Asking staff members who had close contact with individuals who tested positive to self-isolate for 14 days.
  • Increased cleaning and sanitation in common areas, including cleaning door handles, tables, elevators and high-touch surfaces. 
  • Delivering meals door-to-door to residents and offering physically distanced dining for resident “pods.”
  • Limiting capacity of group activities, including fitness classes, movies and vespers to allow social distancing.
  • Actively monitoring all Assisted Living, Memory Care and Health Center residents daily for possible signs of respiratory infection.
  • Providing hand sanitizer throughout the community.
  • Screening all staff, including ancillary services, contractors and external providers at the beginning of their shift for fever and respiratory symptoms. Staff are prohibited from working unless they have been screened and cleared at the start of every shift. If they have a temperature of 100.4 degrees or above, shortness of breath, cough or sore throat, they are sent home to self-isolate.
  • Urging Independent Residents to be responsible and take precautions to help protect at-risk residents.
  • Actively educating staff, residents and families on symptom awareness for coronavirus.
  • Continuing to train staff on proper hand hygiene and infection control practices.

Visitation Policies (November 2021)

Assisted Living & Memory Care


  • For an indoor visit to occur, either the visitor or resident must be fully vaccinated*. It is a violation of the Governor’s Proclamation for visitors to visit if they are unvaccinated and the resident is unvaccinated.
  • If a visitor presents with any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 or has had close contact with someone with COVID-19 infection in the prior 14 days (regardless of the visitor’s vaccination status) they will be denied entry.
  • Residents in quarantine or who have a confirmed COVID-19 infection will not be able to have visitors until they are cleared from quarantine.
  • All visitation will be immediately suspended if we receive a report of a positive COVID-19 case in the building.
  • *Fully vaccinated refers to a person who is ≥2 weeks following receipt of the second dose in a 2-dose series, or ≥2 weeks following receipt of one dose of a single-dose vaccine.
  • NOTE: Compassionate care visits are allowed at all times, regardless of vaccination, quarantine, or infection status. Please use the website: or contact social worker, Jun Chef, BSW, for more information at for more information.


  • All visits must be scheduled in advance using the website: Click on COVID-19 Response to open the page. Please schedule weekend visits by the end of business day on Friday.
  • Visits can be scheduled every day of the week, arriving between the hours of 8:30-11:30am, 12:30-4:30pm, or 6:30-7:30pm.
  • Residents may schedule one visit per day, up to three days per week.
  • Each visit is limited to a maximum of two visitors.
  • At this time, all visitors must be over the age of 16.
  • Visitors must sign in and screen at reception. Please practice social distancing while waiting to screen in the lobby. If there is a line, kindly wait outside the front entrance until there is space available.
  • Visitors must follow the core principles of infection prevention: sanitize hands upon entry to the building, wear a mask at all times, and maintain six feet distance from others. Following these requirements to wear face masks means there can be no visitors allowed in communal dining in long-term care settings, even in residents rooms, at this time. Only two people may ride in an elevator at a time to maintain social distancing.
  • The visit should take place inside the resident’s apartment. Visitors should go directly to the apartment of the resident they are visiting and should not visit other floors or common areas, except as directed for screening purposes.
  • The safest approach is for resident and their visitors to maintain physical distancing (maintaining at least 6 feet between people). If the resident is fully vaccinated, they can choose to have close contact (including touch) with their visitor while wearing a well-fitting mask.
  • Both residents and visitors should wear a face mask for the duration of the visit.

*Visitors from Independent Living should schedule visits in advance and screen on the 3rd floor before visiting your apartment.

Health Center


  • For an indoor visit to occur, either the visitor or resident must be fully vaccinated*. It is a violation of the Governor’s Proclamation for visitors to visit if they are unvaccinated and the resident is unvaccinated.
  • If a visitor presents with any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 or has had close contact with someone with COVID-19 infection in the prior 14 days (regardless of the visitor’s vaccination status) they will be denied entry.
  • Residents in quarantine or who have a confirmed COVID-19 infection will not be able to have visitors until they are cleared from quarantine.
  • All visitation will initially be suspended if there is a positive COVID-19 case identified in the building.
  • *Fully vaccinated refers to a person who is ≥2 weeks following receipt of the second dose in a 2-dose series, or ≥2 weeks following receipt of one dose of a single-dose vaccine.
  • Please use the website to schedule you visit if you have questions please contact Lance Smith, Life Enrichment Director, (unless otherwise noted) at or by phone at 206-517-2035, extension #5435
  • NOTE: Compassionate care visits are allowed at all times, regardless of vaccination, quarantine, or infection status.


  • Scheduling Indoor visits; please use the website: Click on COVID-19 Response to open the page. Visits need to be scheduled by 3:00pm the day before arrival. Please scheduled weekend visits by 3:00pm on Friday.
  • Residents may schedule up to one visit per day.
  • Each visit is limited to a maximum of two visitors.
  • At this time, all visitors must be over the age of 16.
  • Visits are limited to 30 minutes or less at this time to accommodate others who are also trying to visit their love ones.
  • Visitors must sign in and screen at reception and in the Health Center
  • Visitors must follow the core principles of infection prevention: sanitize hands upon entry to the building, wear a mask at all times, and maintain six feet distance from others. Only two people may ride in an elevator at a time to maintain social distancing.
  • Resident in private room may have a visitor in their room. For residents with roommates; the visit should take place the visiting room in Room 21. Visitors should go directly to the visiting room and should not visit other floors or common areas, except as directed for screening purposes.
  • The safest approach is for residents and their visitors to maintain physical distancing (maintaining at least 6 feet between people). If the resident is fully vaccinated, they can choose to have close contact (including touch) with their visitor while wearing well-fitting source control.
  • Both residents and visitors should wear a well fitted cloth mask or face mask for the duration of the visit.

Independent Living


Policy for visitation – Independent Living Residents

Although outdoor visits are still preferred, we will allow indoor visits in your apartment on a limited basis.

All visitors

  • Must be screened for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g., temperature checks, questions about and observations of signs or symptoms)
  • Hand hygiene will be conducted with the preferred use of alcohol-based hand rub
  • A face covering or mask, covering the mouth and nose, will be worn at all times.
  • Social distancing at least six feet between persons will be observed
  • No visiting in lobby or common areas (visit in your apartment or outdoors)
  • Maximum of 4 people in the elevator at any one time, if all are vaccinated
  • Visitors who are unable to adhere to these principles of COVID-19 infection prevention will not be permitted to visit or will be asked to leave

Visitors are asked to monitor for signs and symptoms of respiratory illness and report to the Hearthstone if symptoms are evident within 14 days after visiting the facility.

Visitations will be immediately suspended if we receive a report of a positive COVID-19 case.

Cove East and West

Visitors to sign in and screen upon entry and follow infection control protocol. Floor chairs to monitor visitors.

Resident-to-resident visitation:

    1. Communal activities may occur while adhering to the core principles of COVID-19 infection prevention
    2. Residents to practice social distancing, perform frequent hand hygiene, and wear a mask or face covering.
    3. Limit duration of time together (1 hour or less is recommended).

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